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- 10 gosub830
- 20 dimq$(500),yn$(500)
- 30 b$=" "
- 40 d$=""
- 50 s$=""
- 60 db$=d$+b$+b$+b$+b$+d$
- 70 yn$(0)="y":q$(0)="nothing":q$=q$(0)
- 80 rem mr. mysto 1-16-85 : c-64 version 2.0
- 90 print"[147]"," mr. mysto",," by frank dinunzio 1/16/1985"
- 100 print:print"an experiment in artificial intelligence"
- 110 print,"s-start a new category",,"g-get an existing one "
- 120 geta$:ifa$<>"s"anda$<>"g"then120
- 130 input"which category";o$
- 140 ifa$="g"thengosub770
- 150 gosub520:printdb$"do you want me to speak?":gosub1140:tk$=a$
- 160 printdb$" pick a word and i will try",,"to deduce","what it is."
- 170 fori=0to3000:next:gosub650
- 180 r=0:gu$=yn$(0):ta$=yn$(0)
- 190 iflen(yn$(r))=len(ta$)then ifyn$(r)=ta$thenrr=r:gosub1110:gosub650:goto220
- 200 ifr<nthenr=r+1:goto190
- 210 goto230
- 220 gosub1140: ta$=ta$+a$:goto190
- 230 ifa$="y"thenprintdb$"i am right again!":gosub650:fort=1to999:next:goto410
- 240 printdb$"i am sorry but i do not know the answer,please tell me what it is."
- 250 s=1:gosub650
- 260 input"";aa$:iflen(aa$)<18then280
- 270 printdb$"answer must be less than 18 letters.":fori=0to999:next:goto240
- 280 ts$=q$(rr):tl=len(ts$)
- 290 printdb$"type a question that will help me tell",
- 300 printaa$" from "ts$
- 310 gosub650:input"";qq$
- 320 ifright$(qq$,1)<>"?"thenqq$=qq$+"?"
- 330 printdb$"enter the answer for ",,aa$;" (y/n)":gosub650
- 340 gosub1140:n=n+1:p$=left$(ta$,len(ta$)-1)
- 350 ts$=q$(rr):q$(rr)=qq$
- 360 x$="n":z$="y"
- 370 ifa$="n"thenx$="y":z$="n"
- 380 yn$(n)=p$+x$:q$(n)=ts$:n=n+1
- 390 yn$(n)=p$+z$:q$(n)= aa$
- 400 bu=bu+1:ifbu>10thenbu=0:gosub1160
- 410 printdb$"try another?":gosub650:print""
- 420 geta$
- 430 ifa$="n"ands=1thengosub480:end
- 440 ifa$="n"thenend
- 450 ifa$="y"then160
- 460 ifpeek(197)=4then1020
- 470 goto420
- 480 rem ******save to disk******
- 490 printdb$"saving "o$
- 500 open1,8,2,"@0:"+o$+",s,w":print#1,n
- 510 forw=0ton:print#1,yn$(w):print#1,q$(w):next:close1:return
- 520 rem ******draw face******
- 530 print"[147]"s$"[175][175][175][175][175][175][175][175][175][175][175][175][175][175][175]"
- 540 forf=1to6:prints$"[180]"s$"[167]":next
- 550 prints$"[157][157][157][183][183][183][207][183][183][183][183][183][183][183][183][183][183][183][183][183][208][183][183][183]"
- 560 forf=1to6:prints$"[165]"s$"[167]":next
- 570 prints$"[205] [206]"
- 580 prints$" [205] [206]"
- 590 prints$" [205] [206]"
- 600 prints$" [205] [206]"
- 610 prints$" [183][183][183][183][183][183][183]"
- 620 prints$""s$"mr. mysto"
- 630 prints$"oo"
- 640 prints$"[209]"
- 650 printd$+s$"[145][145][145][145][145]";:iftk$="n"thenprint:return
- 660 s=54272:fore=stos+28:pokee,0:next
- 670 forl=1to10: print"[157][157][157][157][157][183][183][183][183][183]";:print"[157][157][157][157][157][205][175][175][175][206]";
- 680 forj=1to50:next
- 690 print"[157][157][157][157][157][183][183][183][183][183]";
- 700 rem ******sound******
- 710 poke54296, 10 :poke54277, 85 :poke54278, 245
- 720 p=int(rnd(0)*5)
- 730 fori=0top :rem inflection
- 740 rn=int(rnd(0)*6):rem pitch
- 750 poke 54276, 33 :poke 54273,rn+i
- 760 next i:next:pokes+24,0:print:return
- 770 rem ******load routine******
- 780 open1,8,2,o$+",s,r"
- 790 open15,8,15:input#15,a$:ifa$<>"00"thenclose15:close1:goto820
- 800 print"loading "o$:input#1,n
- 810 forw=0ton:input#1,yn$(w),q$(w):next:close1:return
- 820 print"sorry-can't find "o$" on this disk":fori=1to3000:next:run
- 830 print"[147] mr. mysto
- 840 [153]"a study in semi-artificial intelligence"
- 850 [153]" think of a word and i will try to guess what it is ";
- 860 [153]"by process of logic.
- 870 print" you will be asked some clue questionsthat must be answered ";
- 880 print"in order for me toguess the word. if i don't get it right the first";
- 890 print" time, i will ask you one more question and then i guarantee that you
- 900 [153]"won't fool me on that word any more.
- 910 print" to begin you are asked to choose if you want to use previously";
- 920 print" stored data from disk or to start a new set of data.i suggest";
- 930 print" that a seperate formatted diskbe used for the data files.
- 940 [153]" as the program runs it becomes wiser with each question asked.";
- 950 [153]" when you are finished with the program just type 'n'";
- 960 [153]" when asked 'another' and the compiled knowledge ";
- 970 [153]"will be saved to disk for future use.
- 980 print"remember - i am no smarter than the userwho gives me information.
- 990 [153],," <hit any key>";
- 1000 [161]a$:[139]a$[178]""[167]1000
- 1010 [142]
- 1020 [143] ******edit routine******
- 1030 [153]"load","c=change - n=next"
- 1040 [129]zz[178]0[164]n:[153]zz;q$(zz),"(c/n)"
- 1050 [161]a$:[139]a$[179][177]"c"[175]a$[179][177]"n"[167]1050
- 1060 [139]a$[178]"n"[167]1090
- 1070 [153]"change "q$(zz)
- 1080 [133]"to ";q$(zz)
- 1090 [139]zz[178]n[167]:[153]"load":[141]480:[138]20
- 1100 [130]
- 1110 [143] ******is it a quess*****
- 1120 [153]db$;:[139][201](q$(r),1)[178]"?"[167][153]q$(r):[142]
- 1130 [153]"is your word "q$(r)"?":[142]
- 1140 [161]a$:[139]a$[179][177]"y"[175]a$[179][177]"n"[167]1140
- 1150 [142]
- 1160 [143] ******sort routine******
- 1170 s[178]n:[153]db$"sorting"
- 1180 s[178][181](s[173]2)
- 1190 [139]s[177][178]1[167]1220
- 1200 fr[178][184](0)[171]([180]([184](0))[179]0)[172]65535:[139]fr[177]1200[167][142]
- 1210 [153]"memory low - start a new file":[141]480:[128]
- 1220 [129]k[178]0[164]s:[129]i[178]k[164]n[171]s[169]s
- 1230 j[178]i:t$[178]yn$(i[170]s):tt$[178]q$(i[170]s)
- 1240 [139][195](t$)[177][178][195](yn$(j))[167]1270
- 1250 yn$(j[170]s)[178]yn$(j):q$(j[170]s)[178]q$(j)
- 1260 j[178]j[171]s:[139]j[177]1[167]1240
- 1270 yn$(j[170]s)[178]t$:q$(j[170]s)[178]tt$
- 1280 [130]:[130]:[137]1180